A strong community housing sector provides New Zealanders with a wider range of safe, decent and affordable housing.
What is Community Housing?
The Community Housing sector provides an alternative to the public housing provided by Kainga Ora and private housing in the open market. As a proven model to develop and manage affordable housing options, the Community Housing sector offers flexible, responsive and cost-effective housing which deliver better social outcomes for its tenants. The sector is made up of a range of providers who tailor their approach for the needs of the people they work with. To do this they may offer a range of emergency housing, affordable rental, wrap-around services or home ownership assistance.
This mix of housing solutions supports a healthy and effective Housing Continuum; a model of the housing market which offers Auckland a sustainable pathway out of the current housing crisis.
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) is the national body for the Community Housing Sector. CORT Community Housing endorses their plan “Our Place” which provides a national framework to address New Zealand’s housing need and more information about the Housing Continuum.

Affordable Housing Continuum
A model of the housing market which offers decent and affordable housing options for all New Zealanders and a sustainable pathway out of the current housing crisis.
This housing continuum provides a framework for understanding the housing needs and the range of housing choices available to households in varying economic and social circumstances. It stresses the importance of supplying a range of housing options to provide a pathway for people to move from subsidised (emergency and social) housing to un-subsidised (private rental or privately owned) housing.
CORT currently offers housing to people in the Social Housing sector via the MSD Social Housing Register. We recognise that this is only one part of a broader plan to address housing affordability and we support measures which create appropriate levels of supply across the continuum. To find out more about the Housing Continuum see the Community Housing Aotearoa website.
CORT aims to provide
Community Housing which:
Remains affordable for the duration of need: Affordable housing is accommodation in which the total housing costs are affordable for those living in the housing unit. The commonly accepted guideline for housing affordability is a cost that does not exceed 30% of a household’s gross income. Affordable housing is usually, although not exclusively, provided by social housing providers and can comprise both rental and home ownership.
Incorporates Mixed Housing opportunities: By developing communities with a mix of private ownership, rent-to-own, private rental and community housing, neighbourhoods are more vibrant and sustainable. These neighbourhoods also provide options across the housing continuum.
Focusses on Placemaking: Good community housing promotes the well-being of individuals and the neighbourhoods they reside in. To do this we take into consideration all of the factors which create great places to live. This is a philosophy and a process which starts at the design and build phase and continues to inform the way we approach tenancy and property management. Ultimately, we aim to make places our tenants can call home – meeting their needs and supporting their goals for the future.
Provides choice and is responsive: Community housing has the ability to tailor its properties and its services to the needs of its community. We can respond to these demands more quickly and effectively than large state funded housing.
CORT Community Housing is a Registered Class 1 Social Landlord. To gain this registration, CORT has undergone a thorough accreditation process by the Community Housing Regulatory Authority (CHRA). This process confirms that CORT provides professional tenant-focussed social housing.
The Auckland Community Housing Providers Network (ACHPN)
Recognising the need for a collective voice to represent the community housing sector, CORT Community Housing has played a pivotal role in the formation of ACHPN, with Peter Jeffries, CEO of CORT serving as Chairperson from July 2010 until December 2015.
The group came together in 2010 to share resources, support each other, collaborate on projects and advocate on behalf of the Auckland Community Housing Sector. The network has a charter, which has as its key focus the provision of new housing suppl. Most of the members of ACHPN are also members of Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA). Both ACHPN and CHA have a critical role in the ongoing development of the community housing sector.
Auckland Community Housing Providers Network include 13 of Auckland's largest community housing organisations.